News & Insight • In the News
30 June 2022 | Julia Gallop
Michael Kerr-Dineen retires as Chairman
As co-founder of Vermeer Partners, Michael joined the firm as Chairman in 2018 alongside Simon Melling CEO.
Vermeer Partners’ CEO Simon Melling said: “After a long and note-worthy career in the City, Michael has decided the time is now right for him to retire as Chairman. He has been with the firm from its very first days, through the challenges of the pandemic, and leaves a thriving business with £1.8bn AUM. It has been a delight to work alongside him over the past few years and on a personal note I will miss his insight and support. We are delighted however that he will remain a Partner of the firm, committed as he is to our continued success.”
Michael Kerr-Dineen said: “It was an exciting challenge to set up a new modern investment management partnership some four years ago. Simon Melling and I were fortunate to attract a dedicated entrepreneurial group of experienced investment managers, committed to providing clients with an exemplary personal and professional service. This is easy to say but scarcely delivered in the industry, especially by the larger operations with their heavy bureaucracies and conflicts. The recruitment of bright, hungry, younger people has been a particular thrill and bodes very well for the future. The time is right for me to retire after 45 years in the City and I leave the vibrant and profitable firm in the capable hands of my friend and colleague Simon Melling.”